Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Desert Strikes Again

It's disappointing to see how long I've left my "new" blog alone, given the pomp and circumstance I showered on its creation. Life makes it hard to write, but that's not a valid excuse anymore. Things won't get any easier.

Back in November, when I threw myself into reading everything I could about religion, I quickly got distracted by economics, politics, current events, and other interests. I should've seen that coming. I've been reading more material by people I (usually) disagree with but (always) respect: Reihan Salam, the folks at Modeled Behavior, and Conor Friedersdorf. I do this because I like reading opinions that counter to my own. But, at some level, I force myself to do this to feel like I'm confronting people I disagree with me without actually engaging them. The mental back-and-forth is enough, until it's not. My hiatus was as much about my fear of being wrong as it was about learning more.

I will overcome my fear of being wrong--and this blog will become successful--when I post regularly and avoid constricting myself too much. Accordingly, you'll see a steady stream of new content about a variety of topics.

And so, we go onward and upward! Don't forget that you can poke and prod me on Twitter as well as the comment section of each post.

Onward and upward!


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